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110 Ballet Questions and Answers


  1. What is changing of feet?

Changement de pieds - Jump starting and ending with the feet crossed, during which the dancer changes the lewding foot.

2.What is it called when a dancer bends back at waist?

Bending at the waist in any direction, forward, backward, or to the side, the dancer is performing a Cambre.

3.How do you teach ballet dance technique?

Gradually by increasing the difficulty steps from one level to the next level.

4.What allows dancers to move in all directions?


5.How is the proper alignment of your knees in a turned out first position?

Turned out first position in the middle of the kneecaps should be aligned with the second to first toe.

6.What direction does En Dedans do?

En Dedans is a term used in exercises a pirouettes or rond de jambe. En Dedans means inwards. In a pirouette the dancer turn is made inward en dedans to the supporting leg.

7.How to pronounce en dedans

(ahn duh-DAHN)

8.If en dedans is done inwards, how is en dehors done?

For En dehors it is outward. Example a pirouette is performed outwards towards the working leg.

9.How to pronounce en dehors?

En Dehors is pronounced ahn duh-AWR

10. What should be the physical prerequisite for going on ballet pointe?

The dancer foot (ankle) should be able to achieve a vertical position 90 degrees of foot and ankle motion

11. What is First position of the hands?

FOX performed thumb touch middle finger

12. Second position of the hands

Scared fox- thumb not touching middle finger

13.Third position of the hands

Dead fox- winged

14. What does R.I.C.E mean?

R.I.C.E. - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

15. What is the treatment plan immediately following a dancer ankle sprain?

R.I.C.E = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Contact parents and doctor.

16.How does music affect ballet training?

Music affects movement quality. Which will affect muscular involvement and development.

17. What are the seven movements of dancing and how are they defined?

Plié Bend

Étendre Stretch

Sautér Jump

Relever Rise

Tourner Turn

Glisser Glide

Élancer Dart

18.What makes pleasing lines and Helps coordination?

In ballet, Correct use of Port de Bras, helps with making pleasing lines and helps coordination

19.What are the ballet positions of head?

The ballet positions of head are erect, inclined, turned, raised, lowered

20.What is the 1st movement of ballet?

plier (to bend)

21.When achieved by placing the weight evenly over the three points of the feet is called?

Ballet turn-out is achieved by placing the weight evenly distributed over the three points of the feet.

21.2nd movement of ballet called?

etendre (to stretch) is also known as the 2nd movement of ballet.

22. What is the 3rd movement of ballet?

relever (to rise) is the 3rd movement of ballet.

23.How is it best for a ballet student to develop the quality of movement most effectively?

Teacher demonstration is the best for ballet students to learn.

24.What is a ballet curriculum?

A ballet curriculum best describes the work that should be covered and how to cover the work.

25.What is the 4th movement of ballet?

Glisser (to glide) is the 4th movement of ballet

26.What is the 5th movement of ballet?

Sauter (to jump) is the 5th movement of ballet

27.What is elauncer (to dart)?

Elauncer to dart is 6th movement of ballet

28.What is Tourner (to turn)?

Tourner is 7th movement of ballet.

29.What are two types of transfer of weight?

Temple- through a pointed foot and chassé- plié

30.In ballet bones are aligned with the least amount of muscular effort is called?

Correct posture

31.How to correctly use turnout?

Rotation of the hips without distortion of the pelvis, knees, or ankles

32.Ballet correct placement?

Ballet having correct posture while maintaining turnout while moving or standing still.

33.Using the right arm effectively on the left side describes?

Cross lateral coordination.

34.Ballet correct use of foot?

Foot goes through flat, quarter, half, three quarter, full. while jumping, full point, while landing go through the foot.

35.What is the correct use of épaulement

Ballet - head over front foot and in(vaganova) en dehors and en dedans.

36. A ballet syllabus is?

The work that should be covered - ballet.

37.Why is developmental teaching useful?

In ballet it takes into consideration the student’s stage of development.

38.Ballet theory of port de bras?

In Ballet port de bras - one goes up the other goes down, one moves front the other moves back.

39.What is the correct way to maintain balance?

Ballet correct way to maintain balance is to stand foot/feet should be directly under the center line of balance while maintaining muscles engaged.

40.What is ballet 1st position of the feet?

Ballet heels together, turned out.

41.What is the 2nd position of the feet?

The 2nd position of the feet is heels separated, turned out.

42.What is the 3rd position of the feet?

The 3rd position of feet in ballet heel connected to middle of foot

43.3 qualities are indispensable to teaching?

Discipline, musicality and artistry are the 3 qualities to teaching.

44.What is Open 4th position of the feet in ballet?

Open 4th position of the feet in ballet - move out from 3rd.

45.What is Crossed 4th position of the feet in ballet?

Move out from 5th.

46.5th position of the feet in ballet?

Heel connected to toe

47.1st position of the arms in ballet?

Ballet arms to sides of thighs

48.2nd position of the arms in ballet?

arms out to side.

49.Demi-second of allegro?

Ballet, lower arms from 2nd, palms facing down.

50.Demi-second of adage?

Ballet demi-second of adage, lower arms from 2nd, palms slightly opened to the audience.

51.What is Ballet?

Classical dance style - done by a dancer

52.What is a Ballerina?

A ballerina is a female dancer.

53.What is a Ballerino?

A male dancer is called a ballerino

54. Exercice à la barre is known

barre exercises

55.How to do fondu?

Ballet plié on one leg, simultaneously bending the other into a coupe or out through attitude. Fondu sinking down. A term used to describe a lowering of the body made by bending the knee of the supporting leg. To melt

56.How to do a demi plié?

Ballet bending as deep down as you can without raising the heels off the floor.

57.How to do the ballet Grand Plie?

Ballet Grand Plie increases leg pressure until the heels come of the ground, should be continuous, don't sit in this position, heels come down to get up and then straighten the legs.

58.How to do ballet Glissade?

Glide, traveling step executed by gliding the working foot from the fifth position in the required direction, the other foot closing to it.

59.How to do ballet Jeté?

Throwing step. A jump from one foot to the other in which the working leg is brushed into the air and appears to have been thrown.

60.How to do ballet Pirouette?

Whirl or spin. A complete turn of the body on one foot, on point or demi-pointe. Pirouettes are performed en dedans, turning inward toward the supporting leg, or en dehors, turning outward in the direction of the raised leg.

61.How to do ballet Plié

Bent, bending. A bending of the knee or knees.

62.How to do Rond de jambe?

In Ballet Round of the leg,

63.What is échappé?

Échappé is a classical ballet term meaning "slipping movement" or "escaping." A dancer does an échappé with their legs and feet. Starting in a closed position, usually fifth position with the feet, the dancer slides both feet out equally into either second or fourth position.

64.What is Fouetté turns?

Fouetté turns is a classical ballet term meaning "whipped turns." A fouetté turn is when a dancer, usually female, does a full turn in passe (pirouette), followed by a plie on the standing leg while the retiré leg extends to croise front and rond de jambes to the side (a la seconde).

65.How to do ballet Attitude?

An attitude in classical ballet is a position where the dancer is standing on one leg with the other lifted, usually to the front (devant) or back, derrière. The leg in the air is bent at the knee so that it forms roughly a 145 degree angle.

66.What are ballet pointe shoes made of?

Pointe shoes are made of paper mache.

67.Dancer can do pointe shoes at any age?


68.The famous ballet show normally at Christmas time is called?

The Nutcracker

69.Can guys do ballet?

Yes, many famous male ballet dancers.

70.Leather, Suede, Canvas, Cotton?

Different types of material to make ballet shoes slipper.

71.What is the opposite of en dedans?

en dehors is the opposite of en dedans.

72.Four dancers in identical white costumes, holding hands, and performing the same steps in perfect unison. In what popular ballet?

Swan Lake

73.In classical ballet mime, pointing to the third finger of the left hand indicates?


74.What is adage, adagio?

Series of slow and graceful movements that follow the center practice.

75.What is allegro

Brisk, lively movements


Body in profile, supported on one leg, while the other leg is extended behind and the arms are held up.

77.Most ballet terminology is spoken in which language?

French is the language of ballet terminology.

78.What is the ballet barre?

The wooden ballet barre is used for support.

79.What is a battement?

Beating a beating action of the extended or bent leg.

80.What are the two types of battements?

Grand and Petits

81.What does En L’ Air mean?

En l Air means in the air.

82.What does the French word "chaînés" [sheh-NAY] mean, as in "chaînés turns?"

Chained or linked.

83.This is a jump in which the dancer rises low off of the floor and the two feet are brought together in the air before the dancer lands in fifth position.

In ballet it's an assemble.

84.What are three well known ballet?

The Nutcracker, La Sylphide, Sleeping Beauty.

8.In ballet class, the dancer must turn away from the barre when switching direction. True or False?


Ballet terms with the Definitions.

86.Pas De Chas - Step of the cat

87. Jete to throw

88.Glissade to glide

89.En Coix in the shape of a cross

90.Pirouette to twirl.

91.Passe passed.

92.Releve to rise.

93.En Dehor outward.

94.En Dedans inward.

95.Cambré Arched.

96.Fondu Melted.

97.Port de bras Carriage of the arms.

98.Piqué Pricked

99.Elancé Darted

100.Coupé Cut

102.Eqaulé Shouldered

103.Retiré Withdrawn

104.En dedans Inward

105.Temps levé Lifted time

106.Echappé Escaped

107.Fermé Closed

108.En manége In a circle

109.Relevé Risen

110.En Dehors Outward

May you reach your center stage.

Much Love,

Jacklyn Dougherty

Jacklyn Dougherty How to ballet dance book must read
Ballet Dance World 110 Ballet questions and answers. Photo Credit Jacklyn Dougherty

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