Ballet Dance Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography College Paper
How to write a annotated paper on ballet dance
Bayyat, Manal. "Blended learning: a new approach to teach ballet technique for undergraduate students." Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 21.2 (2020): 69-86.
The article is a secondary source that examines the level of performance and motivation level of ballet students using a blended learning approach. Bayyat initiates a qualitative study from a sample population of forty students who had no previous experience with ballet dancing. The author aims to investigate the effectiveness of blended learning towards teaching ballet in school. Bayyat combines teaching with motivation styles that create a drive among students to want to learn ballet. Correspondingly, the results identify the blended learning is an ideal and effective teaching method. It improves the motivation for ballet dancing for newly enrolled students because of the combined intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Similarly, the article is relevant and valuable to the research because it aligns with the topic of the study. It enables teachers to be aware of the teaching methodology for new ballet learners that improve their requirement and need for the dance. It allows more new learners to enroll in ballet dance because of the initiated teaching methodology.
Foster, Rory. Ballet Pedagogy: The art of teaching. University Press of Florida, 2010.
The book is a primary source that addresses the various methods of teaching ballet. Foster concentrates on how to teach ballet among students rather than what to teach. He argues that focusing on how to deliver the pedagogical skills of ballet dancing is an efficient way. The book is designed for experienced teachers of ballet and beginners, which will act as a reference for instructors. Consequently, the book is appropriate for instructors who prefer sing methodology and incorporate a wide range. It provides the teachers with powerful techniques that can help learners acquire dancing skills. The book is a need for every ballet teacher because of its resourcefulness. Besides, the book is relevant to the research because it describes the various teaching methodologies that ballet instructors can initiate to establish an efficient outcome. Essentially, the author is an experienced ballet dancer who gives insightful ideas that impact ballet teachers towards establishing a sound foundation for their dancers.
Thomasen, Eivind. Anatomy and kinesiology for ballet teachers. London: Dance Books, 1996.
The book is an introductory textbook that is meant for teacher and their students. It is essential because it provides the anatomy and kinesiology based on the view of dancers. It begins by breaking down the human body parts, including bones, muscles, and joints considered for ballet flexibility. The author analyses the functions of the body parts in ballet dancing and their significant roles in stretching and breathing. The book is written in a clear language that is easy to understand. The illustrations are done in photographs and diagrams that provide an understanding among the dancers. Consequently, the book is essential for the research because it is an introductory book that provides instructions to the learners and teachers. It gives valuable insights into the body parts responsible for the success of dancing and their respective roles. It is an ideal book for both teachers and students because it addresses all dancing styles.
Trajkova, Milka. "Towards AI-enhanced ballet learning." Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Movement and Computing. 2019.
The article examines the ways of using artificial intelligence, an AI tool, to improve ballet performance for teachers and dancers. The author, Milka, investigates the relevance of AI video tools and AI-generated videos to enhance the assessment of ballet dancers. She argues that the tools are critical requirement for teachers and dancers to improve their ballet skills. The AI videos will help teachers and dancers learn to acquire more knowledge on ballet dancing that will help improve their motor skills. The motor movement of the teachers and dancers can be enhanced by an assessment that engages learners as it assists in learning and ensuring attainment. Subsequently, AI tools for ballet provide a broad audience for experienced ballet dancers that significantly impact them as they improve in all aspects. The authors conduct qualitative research with the teachers and dancers to get their experience with ballet dancing. It will give an avenue that provides a platform on which areas to improve.
Uygur, Ayşe Gül, et al. "The physical features suitable for classical ballet training." Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation 32.4 (2019): 569-578. 10.3233/BMR-181173
The article examines the prejudices on the physiological features of classical ballet training. The authors explore the link between the physical characteristics and involvement in ballet dance that enhances muscular strength and flexibility endurance to improve their performance as ballet dancers. The physiological factors are an essential consideration for the teachers when selecting dancers for programs that fulfill critical outcomes. The authors initiate qualitative research, which enables them to establish the significant need for consideration of physical features among ballet dancers. The physiological factors that determine ballet dance performance include body type, weight, and composition that enhance endurance during a performance. Like any other sport activity, it resonates that ballet dancing requires flexibility, aesthetics, and balance to enhance performance. Furthermore, the article is relevant to the research because it addresses the physical features necessary for effective performance as ballet dancers. The dancers must have the right body weight and features that enhance their endurance while performing to enhance outcome.
Warren, Gretchen Ward. The art of teaching ballet: ten twentieth-century masters. University Press of Florida, 1996.
The article is a primary source that examines the essence of ballet training. It is among the bestseller book that addresses teachings on ballet in the twentieth century that is meant for dancers and individuals who long for dancing. Warren is a dancer who shares inspirational information on ballet from interviewing ten master teachers. Warren interviewed ten ballet teachers, which equips the book with the master aspects on ballet dance instructions that when a dancer follows distinctively, she becomes a prowess. Subsequently, Warren does extensive interviews among her interviewees and classroom observation that impact the ballet dancing arena. She explores her experience as a dancer and as a master teacher of ballet, which gives insightful explanations concerning the dance. Finally, the book is relevant to the topic of ballet teaching because it provides the experiences of various master teachers of ballet through their interviews with the author. Her writing enhances easy understanding of ballet dancing among students without hesitation.
Works Cited
Bayyat, Manal. "Blended learning: a new approach to teach ballet technique for undergraduate students." Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 21.2 (2020): 69-86.
Foster, Rory. Ballet Pedagogy: The art of teaching. University Press of Florida, 2010.
Thomasen, Eivind, and Rachel-Anne Rist. Anatomy and kinesiology for ballet teachers. London: Dance Books, 1996.
Trajkova, Milka. "Towards AI-enhanced ballet learning." Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Movement and Computing. 2019.
Uygur, Ayşe Gül, et al. "The physical features suitable for classical ballet training." Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation 32.4 (2019): 569-578. 10.3233/BMR-181173
Warren, Gretchen Ward. The art of teaching ballet: ten twentieth-century masters. University Press of Florida, 1996.
For more information on ballet check out our ballet dictionary.