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Changement de pieds en tournant

Changement de pieds en tournant [shahnzh-MAHN duh pyay ahn toor-NAHN].  Change the dancer's feet, turning. Ballet step is performed petit and grand with a quarter-turn on each changement. The ballet turn is done at the moment of the jump. Always  begun in the direction of the front foot. If the right foot is in front, the turn is to the  right; if the left foot is in front, the turn is to the left. Grand changement en tournant  may also be done with half-turns and full turns.   Much Love, Joni Dougherty and Dr. Joni Dougherty Ed.D
Jacklyn Dougherty Changement de pieds en tournant [shahnzh-MAHN duh pyay ahn toor-NAHN]. Change the dancer's feet, turning. Ballet step is performed petit and grand with a quarter-turn on each changement. The ballet turn is done at the moment of the jump. Always begun in the direction of the front foot. If the right foot is in front, the turn is to the right; if the left foot is in front, the turn is to the left. Grand changement en tournant may also be done with half-turns and full turns. Much Love, Joni Dougherty and Dr. Joni Dougherty Ed.D

Changement de pieds en tournant [shahnzh-MAHN duh pyay ahn toor-NAHN].

Change the dancer's feet, turning. Ballet step is performed petit and grand with a quarter-turn on each changement. The ballet turn is done at the moment of the jump. Always

begun in the direction of the front foot. If the right foot is in front, the turn is to the

right; if the left foot is in front, the turn is to the left. Grand changement en tournant

may also be done with half-turns and full turns.

Much Love,

Joni Dougherty and Dr. Joni Dougherty Ed.D

Violin and Piano School Florida.  Zoom, Online and In Person Orlando Florida
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